Australia is being blessed with a visit from San Francisco author, thinker and contemplator of a very wax encrusted navel in Jaimal Yogis, here to promote his book Saltwater Buddha and, naturally, to catch a few waves.

On his journey so far he's managed a pretty epic session at Padang Padang in Bali, though I doubt Vicco will serve up such tasty treats during the short stay he has planned. The reports though are not all bad so with a crossed finger or two we may get Jaimal wet and leaving happy.
And happy is what I want to make him by getting as many Victorian readers as possible along to his launch in the city on Wednesday. If any one has a spare hour or two to call in to the New Lululemon Athletica Store at 140 Bourke Street Melbourne (between Russell and Exhibition right next to the Virgin Active), on this coming Thursday October 1 at 6:30 PM.
I had a chat with Jaimal this morning, he's clearly a lovely fella and the book is a treat, well worth the space in your bookshelves and in front of your face while you listen to the seabirds on your next Indo Boat Trip.
But don't hold off till then to buy it.
See you on Thursday.

As for me and my weekend splash, it has been abominable the last couple of days, late season snow in the mountains, and flipping freezing with a huge storm swell making it all a bit ugly.
I did however make a dash, mostly to give back the red speed dialler as I know Tony was aching to get his feet on it, and it gave me an excuse to go to one of the few candidate breaks when conditions get so bad. A couple of waves were fun in a tortured kind of way, but it was trash.
Tony got his board back as you can see, muggingly happy to have it ding free. The other shot is me off the bottom, a couple of weeks ago at Bells, as shot by local hot snapper Steve Ryan, who is going to get a wrap up in my next post.

That's great you got to meet Jaimal. What a nice guy!
great shot! ...but i'm confused? i thought the pic Joey snapped at Flynn's was you? ...and that guy is clearly goofy. master switch hitter mick?
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