What little tit-bit awaits from that colourful mind?
The man has a lot of energy, or an understanding wife, or too much free time on his hands, or all of the above as I have no idea how he manages to produce so much, on a near daily basis. And he gets more surfs than me.
Not hard.
A couple of weeks back I had a surf down at Cathedral Rock, and on leaving the water I was glancing around for 'photo ops'. At my feet, and pretty much staring back at me, was what I saw as Patch's work, in stone. Has he been sneaking down to the the Southern Hemi at night?
I wonder if his wife knows?

That's a stunning photo, colors and all, very 'Patchesque', and my wife, well she's my true inspiration, no doubt.
Yeah, Patch kicks ass with his amazingly prolific work.
truly a rare surfer for the break he
mainly surfs.
The man's got a bit more in the noodle than your average "action sports" type in the water.
More Patch, less Fuel TV!
Also a wealth of musical info.
There is something fundamentally stunning about this photo. I saw it first on Patchie's and then jumped over here. I can't stop looking at it!
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