I'm a good Dad aren't I?
So anyway, Richard Tognetti of Musica Surfica fame, violin god and pretty good bloke is in town for a couple of concerts so we hooked up for a surf and made the run.
Wind stayed in the offshore(ish) quarter for long enough for us to have a few laughs, and I took the happy snapper out stuffed down the front of my wetty.
The results, well, um,,, they're great...aren't they? (Aren't they?)
One is Rich dropping into the only wave he rode that was within shooting distance, two is an accident while duck diving and three is of well, er, um.. a rock.
Hmmmm. Back to work.

Good stuff Mr. Mick!
That is a bitchin' rock though.
Patch, you stole my comment!
No question, Mick, I really like your blue wallpaper but I reckon the two other pictures please me much better, though.
(Don't beat me!...I'm just remaining an idiot through the years...)
More coming on your box soon!
Nice. The water color and sky are very inviting - fresh, cool, and clean!
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