So we arranged to catch up for a coffee, I'd give him his copy of MS as long as he brought along his wooden board for me to have a squizz at.
To say I was impressed is understating. Remembering this is a first ever attempt at it, and he's produced a very nice, if a little heavy 6'4ish twin that paddles really well and works a treat. Rowan is a big guy, must be 6'1 or so, and around 90K I'd guess, but the board puts him out near the longboards and it's a happy glide in.
The frame next to it is his next project and is the beginnings of what will be a Simmons inspired twin made from paulownia, again his own construction method but different again from the already built boards construction method, which is a spine and rib style, with banded ply on the rails.
He's an inventive lad and clearly has a way with his hands. That he is a design engineer working at GM in Melbourne might have a bit to do with it.
I'm really looking forward to the end result on the Simmons experiment. Watch out Swaylocks.

Because I'm out of the water for bit longer and going vaguely stir crazy not being able to surf, or at least attempt my version of it, Finless Freddy, my new nom de surf, has been mucking about sculpting. Oh God you say... as if poetry isn't enough what 's he up to now?
My favourite all time sculptor is Brancusi, and those familiar with his work might see vague similarities between his approach and mine, at least when it comes to heads. The big difference is his is worth millions and mine is soon to be recycled as modelling wax is expensive and I'll try something else. I will say though that it is bloody good fun and better than staring at my scarified navel which incidentally is getting to look as far away from a six pack as it's ever been, and that is a long, long, way.

is that me?
wow! you are talented, those are gorgeous. you sure are productive.
Thanks Jamie, and Nursie, if it were you, 1) I'd be in a lot of trouble and 2) it'd have a frilly corset a la Corset Fridays. Those of you who don't know Nursie's Gimcrack Hospital are in for a treat!
lovely sculptures. (you must have nimble fingers)
Wow..very interesting sculptures!
-sandy toes
Mick--You're so far ahead of the curve. I feel like a caveman every time I visit your blog. Not that there's anything wrong with cavemen...
Holy cow Mick, those sculptures take some cake. If yer going to melt em down, I'll take one and pay for the flight first!
Nice going. . .
Oh Mick, you crack me up hon.
Tell Sue, she made a great model for your sculptures ;)
u is on to something there mate
very cool! I bet you can make up your own sculpting wax with some of the cold water surf wax recipes
Great sculptures (not sure of the spelling ...)
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