It's a good thing I have some good news though, as today we went live with sales for Musica Surfica
Just click on the Musica Surfica above and you're through to our sales page at Great Southern, where your orders will be dealt with as fast as our grubby little hands can stick them in a box.
There's also a link there for Euro orders through x-treme video, who are distributing for us over in Europe.
And if you've got a blog, tell the world. I want my house back.
To whet your appetites, in the pack is Musica Surfica, the whole thing again with a VO by me explaining what went on, Finless and Finned extras, a phenomenal Music Extra with Richard Tognetti letting rip with Paganini's Caprice 24 on his Violectra, a Reshaping of the Boards section, and a special feature on Warren Pfeiffer, our Master of the Zen of Mat Riding. All the extras have a VO by me so if you can't stand my babbling on, turn the sound down.
But wait there's more! You'll also get a soundtrack CD, with all the music from the film, and there's a lot, mastered and sounding rather good if I say so myself.

Finally!!!! It sounds great. Ordering it right now!!!
Congratulations Mick!!!
And all the best for your recovery.
Hi Mick, Long time no speak, heard you being interviewed/guesting on Radio Marinara yesterday and was suitably inspired to immediately order Surfica looking forward to exploring it . Congrats Warren P
heard the interview on rrr, great job.
well done.
hope you're on the mend.
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