Last weekend I actually got in the water after crying wolf over a busted eardrum. A visit to the Doc and a phone consult with a specialist who happened to be surfing at a nearby break the day of my mishap meant an understanding ear was lent to my slightly injured one.
They're (surfers) all mad, he said. Give it a couple of weeks, stick an ear plug in, a hood on, and Bob's your aunty.. Never having had an Aunty Bob makes me wonder a little but since I did have an Aunty Ben, (Brenda) I took the advice in good faith and hit the waves for a fun splash on Sunday. Very enjoyable, uncrowded slop at Winki. Just nice to get wet.
The rest of the week has been spent kid wrangling on matters unmentionable on the internet. If you know me, ask me.
So pic, said Winki, wonki but running surprisingly true.

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