Warren is a pal of the legendary George Greenough, and had given George a copy, many months ago, of Musica Surfica.
Which George promptly lost.
Time passed and I got another copy up to Warren, as to be honest I was very curious to hear what George thought. Having spoken to George a couple of times now, at some length, I can say he is brutally honest, very eccentric, opinionated and like many with the spark of genius, close to barking mad. I exaggerate, but it is an experience trying to get a word in edge ways, and why would I want too?
He is a fascinating man and we as surfers owe a lot to his vision. He showed us new places to go on a wave and devised ways to get there.
Anyway... GG finally watched the film.
I quote:
"by the way warren i have finally watched the dvd right thru
tell mick that i am
very very impressed with it
it is very good"
I felt six feet tall.. until I looked in the mirror.

six feet tall eh. congratulations Mick. that is a hella compliment coming from a man instrumental in our modern surfing world
how much more stoked can you possibly get? congrats
You deserve it.
I have a feeling the film is going to age like a fine wine, gaining richer meaning and context as time goes on and people explore for themselves.
My copy is on loan and making the rounds. Hopefully I get it back someday...
Wow! [We're not worthy bowing]. Congrats, Mick, special praise indeed.
...B Spreckels said something like first he believes that brave very good surfers are interesting and somewhat great guys but in the end he saw that whatever moron can be a good surfer
in this case Greenough is a very talented thinker and wave rider on his own and has been providing lot of possibilities into Surfing
so congratulations on that simple and direct yet very important comment
He lost it??? naughty naughty. but I do like people who are barking mad - that's why I work at the gimcrack
he shoots he scores
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