Here I have to agree to disagree with my Dear Old Dad as he is of the geological persuasion and opinion that it is likely a part of the natural warming and cooling cycle. Fair enough, but I think the evidence is pointing a big fat hairy finger at US as having a bit to do with it.
What am I doing about it?
Not as much as I should. Still drive to work too often, but then it's a bit hard to whizz about with boxes of Musica Surfica on a bike. Still drive the kids to school more often than I like too, still drive to the hospital every time Tom nearly does himself in, no solar panels on the house, still drive an hour and a half for every surf that blesses me with the opportunity.
But the kids are healthy, or scabby at least, Sue is treating me like I'm not an alien at the moment, and the film is selling steadily. We're looking forward to an 09 that won't be boring...
Will I get my house back? Hmmm, not so sure about that, but if I manage to get another filmic project off the ground and pay the bills, then this time next year I'll be pretty happy.
Have I made a list, a plan, a road map of resolutions...? No, but the next three weeks will give me some thinking time as we head up the glorious south coast of NSW for a well earned break... though I will be taking all my work gear as I'll probably have to arc it up at some stage .. remote working on holidays kinda sucks but I have to keep feeding the beast.
If you're reading this then you're probably at least an occasional stopper at this Safe to Sea, and I'd like to thank you for doing so. When I started this blog it was to try and get in touch with the parents of a young guy that died in Nias not long before I first went back in '04. That never happened, but the world of friends I've made and in some cases now met has meant a lot to me.
I've noticed people dropping by from the most unlikely places. Estonia, Bulgaria, the Ukraine, odd surfless places that you don't expect to see, some come by more than once, I hope they enjoy the visit, after all it is just stream of consciousness from a boofhead in the deep south, but if they get something from it, good.
If not.... well there are a lot of blogs out there.
Highlights of the year for me.?
Getting through it always counts, but finishing the film properly, finding there are people interested enough to buy it, and to top it off, getting to New York and it's Surf Film Festival... then trying to stay awake and then discovering we'd won over there. Such a blast as I had no idea it was competitive until I arrived.
There were some very good films in the mix too, so it was a great honour to be so well rewarded.
Plus I got to go surfing.
The other big highlight though, on reflection... Mr Obama and his election does raise the bar in the hope department. If only more politicians had the brains and generosity of spirit this guy has... though I have to say Mr McCain's concession speech showed a class act heading a crap party.
Since this is a surf related blog, there has to be a surfing highlight too... and for me it's a tie between my trip to the Banyaks and... my trip to the Banyaks. Nothing really comes close to a couple of sessions I had there when it all came together as much as my aging bones will allow, and having a dry reef gurgle next to me while I gazed out of a throaty Treasure Island tube was, though not as frequent as I'd like, fun.
That my family has made it to the end of the year happy and healthy, all I can ask, though my Dad has had a rough one. He is well on the mend as I write this, and hopefully, as today is his birthday, he'll have had a nice red and big juicy steak to celebrate turning 81. The frightening thing for me is my earliest memories of Dad are when he was less than 35 years old, whizzing me around with my hand skimming the water at the beach. Perhaps that is where it all started.
Thanks Dad. And Happy Birthday.
So, to you all out there too, thank you for dropping by, and have a great beginning, middle and end to 2009.
Stay safe. I leave you with where I'll be playing for the next twenty odd days.
Late Addition: If anyone wants to listen to me rabbit on a bit about the film and other stuff, they can hear me on Surf Talk Radio with Scott Bass, from about halfway through the podcast.

Just got my proper copy of Musica Surfica today as a Christmas present and previewed it for my family. They were intrigued and impressed at the same time. So far out of the norm for both surfing and classical music.
Had a great run of surf the past two weeks as well, so good way to cap off the year.
Enjoy the down time, I'll tune in next year for the next exciting installment.
Always a great heartfelt blog,
Mick. Thanks to you. Enjoy your break.
Have a nice one. Watching your film has been one of my highlights of the year.
happy birthday Mick's dad!
Good things for 2009 Mick. Will be stopping by here a bit more hopefully after a rather hectic 6 months here. Enjoy your time out time.
Gifted Gaz a copy of Musica Surfica for xmas. Finally got to see it last night. say the least. And!...Tognetti's (sp?) playing....absolutely amazing. (Look for an official review on Gaz's blog.) pssst....I think he liked it. ;-)
Have a great trip up the coast professor... you deserve a good break after a tough year. A massive congrats on completing the MS project, looking forward to the next one.
Mick B
Musica Surfica just came in at the Mollusk shop in Brooklyn. We will be tucking in soon~
G'day Mick,
Congratulations on the film. I eagerly awaited the release of it, constantly checking your blog over many months. It was my favourite Christmas present!
You're living life, that's certain. Keep it up.
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