Down to the island, tiny swell but Magics was doing it's delightful thing and had a fun session at a tidy little A framed confection. Busy, but fun, and everyone seemed to get their share given the slightly inconsistent nature. Banks everywhere too, so the weekend crowds, myself included, walked away happy. Sunny, the water warming up and a lot of smiles about.
The guy on the fish is Art (I overheard he and a mate talking and I think that's what I heard), hails originally from Kauai via the Carolinas, and seemed to be enjoying himself.
G'day Art, here's your snap.

...what a nice place!
here we had good waves in Sunday
but around 60 in the water
Today was good but I didnt have time
Thats a seriously fun looking set up ya got there!
Our water is down to 49.1, in celsius-thats c-o-l-d.
Have a good day!
Hi Mick!
I drop on these pictures: they are wonderful!
Still so little time and so much work. Just arrived home: had to wait for a while on the roadside, as my car is loosing water... Tell you,what a sick period!
I try to write my letter to your sister next WE. No idea how long it will take to get the other side of the world. My thoughts for you are faster and more numerous as my writings anyway... :-)
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