I wasn't chasing compliments ( weeeeell..) but it did cement the point of all this in the first place. Connectedness in a real sense can happen, and the icing on this cake was I received a pair of comments from the culprit himself. The connection thing happened, and the anonymous critic on the other end became a human being with a sense of humour and a firm commitment to the opinion that my photos still suck.
I must by a new camera... when I can afford one.
Surf yesterday was a much anticipated 4-5ft at Bells, lovely waves on arrival but absolutely PACKED.. pre Bells Contest the car park is full, and the lineup's likewise. Fifty to sixty out at Bells and the same at Winki.. thankfully there was little in the way of overt aggravation out there, though it was hard to snag a decent wave.
My first was gifted me by Maurice Cole..."take it Mick I just got one".. a long Rincon run through the bowl that had me thinking I was in for a cracker of a session, but I lapsed back to trying to find a quiet space for a cup of tea and a chat. No luck, and a long hour and a half before my next decent wave.
A bomb came my way but I had to straighten off due to the bodies in my way.
Another, a bumpy one where the whole ride was punctuated by my swearing as I hit ridge after ridge with a front foot slightly off position . Bump "fuck" bump "fuck" bump "fuck" bump "fuck" . When I pulled off the end of the 50 odd metres I had to laugh and think how funny that would have looked to everyone else in the lineup. Naturally my place in the pecking order assumed that of a surfing chicken.
Pics, Bells through thebushes as I had no access to my normal piccie taking spot, and a scribble of my devil of a son Tommy in a quiet moment that I did on Saturday, as taken with the wonderful iPhone Hipstamatic app.

I got a request to add Your Surf Blog Sucks to my blog The Daily Shaka. I had to think about it as I thought it might piss people off. I ultimately did because I felt he would help us bloggers. He would show us the rough spots we need to iron out.
It wasn't until I saw your post that I felt I did the right thing on my site. I read how you benefited and that was pretty cool. I have your site on the site as well and enjoy it. I also absolutely loved Surfica Musica. It's a great film. I've watched it 6 or 7 times now and still love it. In fact I did a review of it on my other site http://www.theleucadiaproject.com/2009/06/what-im-watching-musica-surfica.html
Keep up the blog and the movies as you are talented.
Take care,
Ed Lewis
Hey Mick,
Great story and pics. Drawing is sooo good! Great to see yours! Crowded Bells or Bondi? I reckon you win!
I love it when you share your journal illustrations. They are always so beautiful.
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