Never put a picture of your twenty one year old self on your blog when that day was some (cough splutter) years ago.
Seems people get a fright.
A small new venture has opened up for me, in fact a couple, neither of them earners, but great fun. That wonderful online magazine out of the UK, Drift has asked me to contribute the odd bit of blather. Two articles into my contribution history, regular readers of these (yes, you two) pages will notice I am sort of revisiting things I've touched on before, being my travels in the Olden Days, and adventures with kids.
They say write about what you know, so the past is always good for me, and kids have my permanent attention anyway.
That other bastion of things that interest surfers with a brain, Phoresia, has also been in touch, having asked me to do an article on Musica Surfica stalwart and cover star, Sage Joske. I've sent Sage a raft of questions to ponder in his own time, but since he is busy shaping legions of beautiful boards, his words lie dormant at the end of a blunt pencil.
He's down in Vicco come Monday though so I keep my fingers crossed he is the bearer of some crumpled paper, hopefully well marked.
Back to Phoresia, and I must say congratulations in a public forum to dear 'old' Ras, Rick Salcedo over on the KuYah blog.
I met Ras and his co-Phoresian Dave in New York last year, they are great guys and now Ras is the proud father of Moe Kingston. All good with Mum and Moe so I think there might be a rainbow over Halifax this week.
Happy days.
The pics today are my page at Drift, the shot used the partner of the Phoresia masthead. I had to use it as it is just a dream shot. .... And new Dad with young Moe, looking pretty sleepy while dad tickles him with his beard.

Lovely lovely photos Mick
Aw thanks Mick. The little guy is a week old now and constantly on the boob juice. I'm in bad need of a surf though, or a run or something. I hope it's not six months before I can surf eh.
Good times. Have to check you out on Drift. Interesting how they re-invented themselves.
Look on the bright side though, doing things solely because you believe in them and are passionate about them, usually leads you down paths to opportunities that otherwise wouldn't have been there had you not chosen to pursue the things worth pursuing.
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