Friday, June 05, 2009

Times are tough out there and in a bit of a rush of blood I thought, time to do some T-shirts!

So I've been beavering away in between worrying myself to death and, I thought too, why not throw the critical hat out the window and let the world judge.

My good mate Richie is the world's biggest critic, especially when it comes to all things Mick. He thinks half of them are crap anyway so I just have to be a glutton for punishment.

So, bit by bit I'll be putting up the odd ideas, and see what tomatoes get tossed back at me.

So today, a borrowing from a favourite old poem-turned-soap-powder, and the other...what I've done quite a bit of, though my Dear Old Dad might argue, but without the pipe , of course.

Smelly bloody things.

(Naturally imagine one of these next to them, © if anyone can be bothered nicking them.)


lawless said...

The bottom one is rad. Makes you look at it for a minute and think about the context and how it relates. Bold iconic graphics.

Top one is too busy but doesn't say much besides what's in the words.

Remeber too, more colors = more screens which means more $ to print.

Rick said...

I dig the bottom one as well Mick. maybe make the mower one of those manual jobbies without the motor? that's me these days to the T. pun. it's flat here.


Dr. Robert said...

curiously, I liked the bottom one too.

"post mid century modern escapism"..

everybody needs some of that.

good work!

Anonymous said...

i like em both

Jamie Welsh Watson said...

Those are SICK!

Anonymous said...

the bottom one does it for me ;-)

6ftnperfect said...

I think Jamie said it best. I want me a tee of the bottom one for sure.