Saturday, July 07, 2007

Surf's crap again, it's freezing, raining and I haven't put anything up for a week. Digging around for something and found this doodle I did about 10 years ago.

I tried to remember what was going on at the time and realised my wife Sue had just been diagnosed with a brain tumor, we had a 5 and a 3 year old and my job was fucked. (excuse the french)

So the picture makes sense.

Things are a little better now, despite the lack of waves.


Wave Farmer said...

That's a pretty powerful image...

Gazelle said...

What doc said.

The technique suits the emotion, too.

Gaz said...

Praying to the Great Ringworm for salvation in our times of need?? Hmmm I could see a future for a church of that nature ;-).

Z said...

Nice piece man,
Do you have more that you could show?

6ftnperfect said...

what gazelle said. And like Ryan, I'd like to see more.