My little board building exercise filled the spot last week, and this past weekend as my own little Demon wreaked a little more havoc on life I was forced to drag out the wooden board and set about refining some lines, getting the rails feeling right and checking for a fair curve from all angles.
It's a long haul, I would love a V8 sander but then I might find myself sanding the saw horse if I happened to slip off into mid afternoon daydreams of the waves I'd be riding on the splinter I'd accidentally created. So hand sanding is perhaps a more considered, sensible option.
The big plus though is the tiny holiday of the mind, and it beats weeding the 'garden'.
The other thing that's been filling up my time is I've been asked to curate a little film festival for the Clean Ocean Foundation, and so, this weekend, I get to host, sort of, a bunch of films I've managed to find, with the help of the amazing Keiko Beatie, and raise some money for a very worthy environmental organisation. Clean Ocean have been working tirelessly for years to get a sewer outfall closed at one of our best beaches, and the need to continue to fight new good fights is worthy of support and a party or two.
Last week I was even on the radio, and despite being late because of traffic succeeded in not sounding too dim, though the umms and ahhhs did hit the odd couple of times. You can listen here, if you like, the last quarter of the Film Buffs show with Paul Harris on RRR in Melbourne.
If you are down Sorrento way this weekend, check Sea Stories, the First Clean Ocean Sorrento Film Festival.
Pics: My board, and the filled in version of the mid tide peak that for a while was an absolute long walled hull blast on a warm Sunday morning.

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