Out in the pretty solid Bells swells, that lovable Derek was charging away on one of his finless creations.
The unique thing about Derek, as boards finless make inroads in their alaia variants around the globe, is his take, approach, attack, call it want you want, his thing, is taking it to whatever the ocean dishes up.
Tiny slappers.
Beach break peaks.
Screaming J-Bay walls.
And Big Bells Boomers.
Great Big Tick.
This pic below was a Boomer, and Dekka chose to go the whole hog and ride it through the whitewashed inside, holding a line where even finned boards struggle amid the snow, all the while with a looming hook clawing to claim him.
He made it, the crusty old coot, he made it.
(I can call him that because I'm even crustier)
This shot is from the morning session. In the afternoon session I paddled out and saw one wave in particular where his judicious application of power with control takes the idea that it is all just a slide show and throws it out the window.
Pic is a frame grab from the shoot for MC's Chook Shed, shot by Luke McNee

And that is, a, um, finless board... I assume.
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