It's been on of those times, shitting myself about money, trying to get things sorted in marketing Musica Surfica and neglecting fun.. like the blog.
First things first, the waves on the weekend were surrounded by delightful weather, but I managed to pick the time when the swell was powderpuff weak and dropping. Tide against me, but strangely a very enjoyable session.
Three different breaks in the one surf, paddling from peak to peak as they turned off successively. The first, got a couple, but had a nice chat with an old fart out the back. His son sounds as though he's going to be the next Tiger Woods.
Next peak, a left, another chat with another old fart, on the benefits of longboards, he riding a particularly lovely McTavish, me on a 6'2'' MC. Then on to the next peak, righthander this time, and a looong conversation in crystalline water with a really old fart, almost as old as me, about life.
A musician who's wife had just left him,.."your music's shit, and you're good for nothing".
He said to me, with a smile.." it's what I do, I've got the kids, what else do I need?"
I hope his album goes well... he was a really great guy.
Then the waves completely dried up and and I paddled in, walked up the beach, got changed and had a Curry at the Cafe with Richie. Sounds like a good title for a song.
No pictures again, since the camera went spoffo I feel like I've lost an arm.. so here's a picture of me at Mundaka in Spain from November 1980!! Now how scary is that?

Sweet, nice read! It's why I come back time after time....... who's the other reader?
does that make three
it was a long time between drinks
the pics are always good too
at least four by my count!
still means you are two up on me and my blog.
always worth the wait, no worries
#5 here - great picture!
Mick--Fewer lapses and more writing! Thanks for checking me out and adding me to your lineup. If the other side of the Pacific is watching, I'll have to keep up my end!
David, Seattle
Nice drop Mick and don't worry the money seems to always work itself out as long as you try.
Mundaka in the 80s!!! Hardly ever like that anymore. For many of us who live nearby the place doesn't exist anymore. Too much of a zoo when it's on...
Nice read!
Wow, that's an impressive drop! And yes, very scary indeed.
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