In these conditions there is one spot that can be relied on to produce some fun... a little break called the Pines, on the Hoax Coast, which, on it's day does a fair imitation of a California point break, even though it's a reef jutting out from a point.
Always frequented by a flotilla of longboards, and a few guys on short boards kidding themselves they might actually get a wave, I opted for a longboard sesh and dragged out the 9'2" Nat. The only longboard I've ever owned, it adorned the roof as I blasted (well, drove carefully within the speed limit...Dad) down for a bit of fun.
I had a great time,with enough waves to have me completely rooted after two hours, and then home.
On another note, we are in the throws of getting Musica Surfica out there, working on distribution, the DVD with assorted extras, and selling it internationally. We haven't had a bad review yet and indeed, I've sent the odd copy off OS for unbiased peer appraisal. Some are still to go, but as I write this Ted at Six Foot and Perfect has a copy and has now posted his thoughts, Seamouse in England, Ras will have one soon over in Nova Scotia (Kuh Yah) and a couple others that I'm waiting on dubs for. Keep an eye out for what they have to say.
Also Tom Wegener has just seen it and it will be covered on his website soon.
If you want one, expressions of interest gratefully accepted and I'm sure the first few buyers will qualify for Special Introductory Offers. I'm also working on the Musica Surfica website, but until then Safetosea is it by proxy.
For now though. here's a picture of the Pines courtesy of the Hoax Coast website and also what might be the cover for the DVD.
*As reviews come up I'll liven the links up... just to make it easier.

Good to see you back from your travels Mick - looking forward to seeing the final cut. Cheers, BB
The Twin and I formally express an interest in a copy at your low, low and low introductory offer price.......
I hereby formally express an interest in a DVD as well.
Your friend Rod's photos are really amazing - thanks for posting the link to his site.
the poster photo looks great will continue to gather momentum.richards words are quite profound
hello thank you for your comment
good blog!!
thanks for pointing out my tardy review...
the review is up
Mick I'd love to purchase one, maybe you could sign it somewhere. Cheers!
And the Kiwi contingent are clamouring for a copy too!
I had the good fortune to meet Sage Joske last weekend and to watch him surf an Alaia. I'm not sure which was the biggest pleasure, talking to him or watching him surf, cause he's the friendliest guy you'd ever meet, and bloody hell can he surf!
So yep, there's many of us out here looking forward to the DVD - and to more good posts from you.
Allow me to throw my name in the "wanna see this badly" hat!
Please count me in for a copy too - I've followed your blog with interest and I'd love to see the end result of the project.
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