As of tomorrow my part in the proceedings ends as the final sound mix is completed. What a year.
One of the great things about it though has been the the people I've met or come in contact with through the film, and also through this blog. My last entry tried to clear up the odd missed personality on King Island. Another who needs mentioning is Warren Pfeiffer...
Warren is, as Derek tells it, one of the greats on a mat, and he did little to discourage that opinion while on the rock. A few of the other guys took one out on occasion, with success, but it was subtlety that distanced Warren from everybody else. While most would wrench the mat into turns, or push and squeeze the sides to try and control it, Warren just seemed to lie, and fly. No obvious adjustments apart from picking lines, but you knew he was pressing, pushing, or squeezing, invisibly, a bit like dressage lying down.
My editor, Anne, married to a surfer and clearly knowledgeable, loved it every time we looked at Warren.
"He's like a big seal", and "it looks so much fun"... and indeed that again is what it's all about, that and speed.
As Warren said to me in a recent email: " doubt the quest is always for speed for without it even the turn cannot be accomplished. It is so nice to ride the fastest craft of them all"
I will say, too, that his mat of choice is the Dale Solomonson Nuematic. Amazing things, feather light, fit in your pocket practically.... add a pair of fins and you're always ready if a wave appears unexpectedly.
Think, the dutiful holiday with the family...
"No darling I won't take my board..."
Everybody happy but you, taking a romantic walk on a secluded, supposedly surfless bit of coast, warm sunny... walk 'round a little headland..
"What's that..?? Waves! Can you imagine that darling... I never expected that. Let's have a picnic...."
Dig in bag...
"Oops, I forgot the lunch... oh look what I accidentally left in my backpack. The old mat...heh heh... well... since we're here.. mind if I slip out for a couple of little...barrels?..."
"I love you sweetheart. Er, better be quick, looks like a storm brewing.."
So, one more grab... this time of Warren on a little speeder, no storms in sight.

Dig in bag.
Love it.
Merry Christmas Mick...
The best gift you could give us is a west coast (Oregon) tour of Musica Surfica...
Post So Cal, of course...
But then, we'll love ya all the same.
Here is to a year of sweetness!
Hey Mick,Saw the mention of Warren P,I'm a mate of his,& would love to contact him;either by e/m or phone.A contact would be great.I haven't spoken to him for about 3 yrs,when I was living in S.A.We have relocated to Margaret River W.A early last year.I'm a Spoon rider(Greenough)Ran into an old mate from Cronulla Pt(25yrs ago) who has a surfboard/fibreglass buisness nearby.We are doing it in Carbon F/Epoxy,& finish the bottom/rails tomorrow.Should have the bottom glassed by the weeks end.Anyway mate,if you could e/m me back a contact for Warren,that would be great!
Have a great New Year,& good luck with the Musica Surfica gig...
Kind Regards,
Mick Guiney
I'm sorry (am I?) I find this picture sooooooo funny! :-D
Just a french bitch
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