back to the airport for their journey on to the Island.
On arrival I discovered these monsters on top of the van, accompanying a further 20+ boards inside.
The olo is massive and scary looking, weighing in at 150 lbs and well... better them than me.
The alaia is quite lovely, and really looks surfable.
Check the parabolic rail at back. And just oiled wood, no varnish, glass, zip.
Took the guys to the airport, had a great chat and I really am looking forward to this thing... though I'll be working my bum off.
Over the weekend, caught up with Maurice Cole, and he loaned me his board to take for a run. We had swell, up to maybe a very grunty 6-7' at one spot, and this thing is so powered up it's not funny. It took me three surfs to start to get a handle on controlling the speed and grip he's managed to shape into 6'3''x20.5x2.75". The thing fangs.
The number of times I felt like a windmill as it accelerated so hard out of a turn, well I don't have the fingers.
He is on to something, there are some issues just in controlling the speed and power generated, but to drop into a 10' face on a 6'3' board and feel comfortable is a genuinely new experience.
And those of you with a technical bent, look closely at the fin placement.
More just before I go.

where's the photo of your Cole finless?
Wow - can't wait to see how this event plays out. Amazing stuff! Keep us posted.
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