I wonder what the poor people are doing?
Well, this one is waiting for a mate to turn up to do some more work, so I thought I'd get the post of last weekend's magic, for those that missed it.
Victoria, after a maddeningly long run of nothing much at all has had one of the longest stretches of out and out perfection I've ever seen, the locals are getting exhausted from continuous waves from four feet to close to ten, with a few mad bastards managing to score upwards of twenty plus at a certain 'secret' tow spot down south.
It's all been a bit much as the lineups are starting to thin...
My little tastes of paradise have had to fit between sitting right where I am now, where I haven't really budged from for the last twelve hours. In that time I've had calls reporting on the big tow session, the perfect beach break session, and how good Bells will be tomorrow. A minute ago I got a call from another Hellman, indeed it was Hellman, telling me he was amping for HIS hit at the big water, same down south spot, only he'll be paddling. I expect it'll be over 12 feet, easily. I asked if he was going to tow... No, just paddle.
How come?
Got a bit of tennis elbow.
Work that one out.
As for me, I just bask in the memories of last Sunday, some of the best waves I've seen at Bells and Winki, 4-6 feet, ....that perfect word again. My piccies don't do it justice and for the first hour and a half I had the yips, everything was going wrong, tripping over my booties, pathetic, then I broke through and got a few of the best waves I've ever had. The last one, from outside Rincon to the sand. A hundred and fifty yards of chattering, champagne bliss.
I love my new board.
Mind you, I needed that surf after Saturday.
I'd spent the night in hospital with Joey after he tried to help a girl being bashed while coming home from a zombie party, stopped the basher, the guy turns on him, goes for his eyes and tried to take one out, then smashes a bottle and along with his three brave mates proceeded to try and finish Joe off.
Luckily Joe's bravery was tempered by good leg speed and he hotfooted it out of there and dove into a passing cab.
When he got home and I had a look, the hole in the side of his eyeball had me gagging so off to hospital where they tested it all and found that happily the gouging hadn't gone right through the wall of the eye.
So he'll still have to look at me. That's where his luck has run out.
So pics for the day are Bells and Winki, Joeys' eye, and Jack the Surfing Dog.
Why Jack?
My blog pal Tim Kevan in England, he of the Barrister Blog, and father of Jack, has managed to do what few of us part time scribes ever dream of.
His 'other blog' Baby Barista', his 'anonymous for a time' comical accounts of life in a London law firm, has grown to the point that he was picked up by the London Times, and then... and this is the good bit.. it was selected to be published by Bloomsbury. Harry Potter now has a shelf mate.
Available on Amazon now, BabyBarista and the Art of War has been getting some ripping reviews (sorry Tim, but I have to sound English for that bit) and I can't wait for my signed copy myself. (hint)
Check it out.. and check it out as I have a feeling it will be money well spent.

Yikes, glad the boy's alright!
Dreamy Bell's pix...
Fuuuuuuuuuuckk!! I will have a heart attack if anything like that ever happens to my kids! and for helping a damsel in distress?
How come there are no surfers in those pics?
Oh poor Joey! What a lad though, to help that girl out.
Damn! Hope it all heals well. Some stupid bastards out there!
That is one brave guy to take on Joey. Joey is not small by any means. Kudos to him for standing up for the girl in trouble. You raised him well dad.
Just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you too. I've loved reading all of your updates on Musica Surfica.
Love and miss you all. Mwah.
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