But it has been a good week too.
Yesterday the delightful Jamie Watson from Pineapple Love interviewed me for her blog, on the back of her seeing Musica Surfica at the San Francisco Ocean Film Festival.
It was fun to do and gave me an opportunity to say thanks again to the people that made the highly unlikely thing that was Musica Surfica possible.
Then this morning I received an email from Rachel Caplan for the Festival saying:
"It is my pleasure to inform you that MUSICA SURFICA won the Adventure Award at last weekend's San Francisco Ocean Film Festival.
The film had a wonderful reception from a sold-out house and was a clear festival favorite. There was much applause from the audience throughout, especially after each of the musical pieces.
The Adventure Award is giving each year "for the best-told adventures in, on, or around the Sea". The screening committee gave this award to MUSICA SURFICA to honor the film's many achievements - the direction, cinematography, editing, score (of course!) and script are all superb."
So that bucked me up a bit too...well.. a lot... and almost cured my tension headache.
Back to work.
Pics are courtesy of Jamie and show the crowd at the the Festival, and Richard taking off at the beginning of the film.
It was a great interview too.
Congrats on all your success Sea!
Tight work man.
I have loaned out my copy multiple times and everyone is always blown away by it. Moreso, the musically inclined surfers who can grasp the difficulty in both pursuits.
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