Maria sent me the shots, and there were some beauties (for me) amongst them.
One, however got me thinking.
At first glance I went Yay!!, then I noticed a board in mid air behind me. Took the gloss off it for me a bit.
I don't remember stuffing anyone, but given my deep history, and the nature of Bells, it's entirely possible. It's just one of those places, with a big playing field, when even when you think you're Johnny on the Spot, someone is behind you.
So, apologies blue board guy, I really wasn't trying to do the dirty.
In the deep past though, growing up on Victoria's Mornington Peninsula, I was a shocker. You kind of had to be... it was a pretty intense area, and the local board club (Peninsula Boardriders) had an award called the Wolfman, for the best at you know what.
Year after year I was told I nearly won it, but always, always, thankfully, there was someone worse. There were some pretty legendary Wolfmen 'round them parts. Truth be known it'd be the only thing I did win as I was totally crap at contests. ("Shit everyone is watching me!!!!.'"Then proceed to fuck up every wave until the hooter went.. then the pressure would come off and I'd get a good one. How many times I got told..."Mick if you got another one like that during the heat you'da won it!" Yeah right)
So today I fly off to where there's absolutely no pressure.
I'm feeling better and the Banyaks is on!! I leave in an hour.
To Alex and Maria, have a great world trip. It sounds fantastic.
To everyone else... I hope the shots come out so that I can share some more.... (Oh anxiety..)
Oh and here's the Wolfman at Bells last Sunday.
Nice turn though, and what the hell is that thing looming in the backround ?
I think it's a case of bail-age, not stuff-age, Mick. But I am prone to giving you the benefit of the doubt 'cause I like your blog!
Bill--the ship in background looks like an auto-carrier, referred to in the shipping industry as "roll-on, roll-off."
rippin as usual mick
...good surf
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