Tuesday, May 08, 2012

An extended silence again. All because of preparations for The Reef.

In two days we jump on a plane and fly to the far north west of our wide brown land, and discover what is in store as we bury ourselves in the waters and desert in preparation for a national tour of live performances of Orchestra and Film which will later tour the world.

The project is in a way a follow up to Musica Surfica. Some of the same team in Richard Tognetti with his Australian Chamber Orchestra, Jon Frank, the matchless Derek Hynd and the Old Coot writing this as Director. To add insult to injury I'm producing it too, and this has provided more than a few headaches as I discover the joys of detail, and the clenching horror of Signing the Contract.

Occupational Health and Safety cast a shot across my bow and getting a realistic assessment of life in a desert surf camp has been an eye opener. The people I've been talking to are true professionals, but I have a very dim view of the bureaucracies that nanny the life out of our lives.

Bring back the days when we all took responsibility for our own stupidity (adventurousness).

One of my happiest memories is as a 7 year old on top of my mate's dad's car, lying on the roof racks, arms outstretched, as he careened down the road at 40mph, my best friend and I playing superman as dear old Tom (his dad) cackled gleefully in the driver's seat below.

Now he'd be locked up.

It's all a bit sad. 

But back to the Reef.

Keep an eye on the web. It's getting national coverage, with a Making Of Documentary happening at the same time, and journos from the big media coming to cover it.

Do I feel a little under the pump?

A bit, as do we all, but I will be glad to get my feet wet and discover what is in store.

Wish us all luck, and believe me it is going to be full of surprises. Because that part has already started.

But that is another story. (Think Derek Hynd)

Pic: Some idea scribbles for the opening, from my little black book. Most likely it won't be this, as first thoughts rarely are.



NiegĂ  said...

With you at the helm this journey can only be successful. I shall be waiting for updates jealously. Please give my best regards to Richard.

Good luck (although I'm sure you are not going to need it)!


Jamie Welsh Watson said...

I am so happy for you! I am very much looking forward to seeing The Reef.

fstopr said...

Fortune favours the brave Mick! Adventurous souls like you and The Reef crew bring so much to our lives that bureaucrats will never understand. Go Men Go!

fstopr said...

Fortune favours the brave Mick! Adventurous souls like you and The Reef crew bring so much to our lives that bureaucrats will never understand. Go Men Go!

Rebecca Olive said...

Yeah Mick!

Have a blast (an OH&S compliant one of course!).

vexed said...

Good luck with it, y'old coot! More power to the adventurers.

Anonymous said...

go for it Mick

twin said...

Stoked for you!

twin said...

Stoked for you!