Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Checking my email yesterday, and blow me down if another Ed turns up and asks me if this is me. 

Attached was a shot from another angle of that wave from a few weeks back, and he had a sequence. I have to admit to being a little stoked as there was a shot in there of the wave as it started to throw and I started to worry about making it. 

Actually, I wasn't that worried as I barely remember a thing from the ride. Just a take off, a rush for a bit and then cruising through the inside thinking .. 'well that was a surprise!"

Thanks Ed. It's nice to have little gems like that arrive. 

1 comment:

reverb said...

...hello Mick,
long time, but I check and find those larger waves!
Very good man.

-Basic dims of the board?
Larger fins?; less toe in?; rigid ones? etc
tail rockered board?

