Monday, August 12, 2013

Well we're about 9 weeks away from sending Great Ocean Quarterly off to the printers! Holy snapping whatchamacallits!

Time to panic.

I have websites to design, photography to shoot and pictures to draw (sort of) as well as choreographing the real talent contributing to our first issue. The hair is falling out too, so my head may soon resemble a follicular metaphor for One Hand Clapping.

Or one hair flapping.

All the above though is, for the moment, an investment with a long payoff period, so luck flapped my way with a lovely job up on the River Murray, a nature shoot of sorts, which allowed a lot of moments waiting for the sun to rise, or set, or deliver the odd jewel. 

Overall we 'got skunked' as it rained a lot, and was overcast even more, The Moods we were briefed to capture were too often a trifle sombre, though sombre does have its place when it is of the happily low key, which fits the shots below.

Accompanying them are a couple from this evening, taken just three or so hours back, at my local favourite stormy beach, where the light shafts through a split in the hills just on sunset. 

And last but not least, but in the middle below) a couple from a particularly special surf at a semi secret break nearby that is my new favourite wave. These pics were taken on dark, after the swell had dropped off a lot. 

On a couple of waves I was young again.

Back soon for more, with luck.

1 comment:

Foul Pete said...

Good to Hear! Kudos for following through with it all.