Wednesday, May 30, 2012

How do you tell a story in one blog post that would take a chapter in a book?

What a trip.

Australia, living in it as I have for a lifetime that is getting longer, is big, but occasionally you need the odd reminder.

A three hour flight and a twelve hour drive over two days got us to our destination. One hundred kilometre or more stretches of no bends at all. No rises or dips in the road. Just straight and flat. Massive skies with wisps miles above. Stars at night like a living astronomical map with shooting starts by the minute.

A hour nd a half at 120 kms per hour over wild dirt to get to the nearest town.

Farms so big at one or two MILLION acres it takes hours to drive up "the drive".

Air interstellar clean, water gin clear and glove warm.

Alien sunsets.

Ancient reef cliffs and coral sand beaches.

Waves that can play and crush one set apart.

A crew of players, musical and board, of creativity and virtuosity, from across Australia and, in a young genius named Ryan Burch, from little old Encinitas in So Cal.

Jacques Cousteau's  dear old chef.

It was that good.

Now back in reality, sitting in front of an edit and wondering where to from here. Three torrid weeks, rehearsals and then an Australian tour, followed by the world.

I'm holding onto my hat. It is going to be quite a ride.

Pics: Local flavour, more to come.


NiegĂ  said...

Welcome home... now go work! ;-)

Rick said...

Mick that is one hell of a teaser! can't wait.


Gaz said...


Anonymous said...

I'm on the edge of my seat!

fstopr said...

'gin clear and glove warm' Love it Mick! Can't wait. Enjoy!

slidelines said...

Sweet, liquid salt rules by the way

Anonymous said...

Those skies.... wow

Fab said...

Punaise! that sounds good. Oz is a mad place.Dates?

Nathan Oldfield said...

Epic. Looking forward to it Mick.

Growling Gecko said...

Hi Mick
Had a long conversation with Warren about the trip. I hear the main act almost did a way with himself and everybody else in the vehicle on the way across! Whew glad to hear that turned out ok. I asked him how you went and he said stressed mostly! Hope you got some waves and is there any footage of Warren I can get my dirty mitts on?

Growling Gecko said...

Oh and about to book tickets for the Perth show. Will you be over for that one?

Ted said...

Stop being a tease!!

Mick Bakos said...

Professor Sowry...
You have teased us all with your economy of words... really looking forward to The Reef. Good luck with the edit and post mate. Fingers crossed that it all goes well for you.


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